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Additional resources for earning interest in gold


Why earn interest on gold and silver? If you’re short on time or simply prefer to watch instead
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3 responses to “Cyprus Collapse Triggers Unintended Consequences”

  1. Interesting piece. It seems that DieselBoom et al have painted themselves into a corner: If they do not lift capital controls, the scenario as described in this article will play out. If they lift the capital controls – then the capital flight might resume and the banks will go bust again – leading to a new bailout – or national bankruptcy. Either way – the Euro is screwed and so is Cyprus.
    I would be very interested going forward on updates on avalibility of gold in Cyprus.

  2. Another splendid analysis and explanation of things, Keith. If any holders of Euros are blithely ignorant that this is the only domino to fall in the EZ, then I wish them luck.

    What also seems evident with regards to FX rates – the Eur/Usd still well above the “disaster” levels of 1.20 from a couple of years ago and The Fed is not going to allow the union to suffer catastrophic losses with their own printing and aiding of the Eurozone. Cyprus is a small part of the union, but this is a systemic issue that is going to be further poison for the next nation that will suffer similar losses, such as Italy or Spain, whose contribution to the union is considerably greater.

    When that day happens, they will wish they hoarded more physical metals instead of more junk fiat.

  3. Kieth, new member. One of the best analysis and explanations I have read. Indeed the Euro isa zombie currency. If people think this is a one time event, they will be educated in the next few years and months.

    Will be reading you regularly

    Thanks for your work

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