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Additional resources for earning interest in gold


Why earn interest on gold and silver? If you’re short on time or simply prefer to watch instead
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5 responses to “Rising Interest Rates Spoil the Party”

  1. > Purging and binging

    Not a bad metaphor. I like the metaphor of the Fed as the driver of a car, trying to control the speed of the economy with both feet on the pedals, braking and accelerating simultaneously while alternating the balance of the pressure applied. The metaphor works through to how long the engine will last and how efficiently it processes inputs.

    All the pundits concentrate on whether the Fed is braking too much or accelarating too little, oblivious to the notion that this is not some art form seeking the correcty balance but rather emergency actions that are no way to treat a car that you need longer term.

  2. How interesting the collectivist “We” appears littered throughout an essay on the Fed even when written by a libertarian-minded author.

    Your writing is always educational to me but the fact remains gold is centralized and will always be centralized. The people’s money used to be silver but the banks have made sure that will not happen again. When the market finally clears a true price for silver, it too like gold will be centrally controlled.

    That is why the answer–if one exists–is something like bitcoin, which seems to have the benefits of Adam Smith’s Real Bills built right into the code allowing the money supply to expand and contract at the point of demand. Bitcoin is truly decentralized. Maybe the question then is whether the possibility of true free markets is more powerful than an ideology about true free markets.

    Money should arise from the ground up, chosen by the people.

    1. I agree with Mossmoon. I see it this way. While I also love your writing Keith, you need to consider more deeply the interests of politicians. The overall well being of the citizenry is a nice to have feature for them, not a must have. Their own security, enrichment and power is priority 1. Factor that into your “What we must do” analysis and you will uncover truths, such as:

      A. “We” is really “The Ruling Caste” and the rest of us individuals, divided, pitted against each other (per Calhoun), and easily systematically exploited like modern educated descendants of Feudal serfs. This is not some kind of conspiracy, but simply people independently acting in their own best interest, some with great power to legalize injustice. Look at the IRS steel curtain laws on your passport for instance.
      B. As for the ruling caste, “Some are more equal than others”. Expecting those with rights others don’t have to give up one of their chief ways of enriching themselves at the expense of the bulk of society, i.e., currency debasement, is a fool’s errand. As Rothbard brilliantly pointed out, their time preferences and demagogic reality is such that there is no situation where “doing the right thing” from your perspective will appeal to them..

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