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Additional resources for earning interest in gold


Why earn interest on gold and silver? If you’re short on time or simply prefer to watch instead
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11 responses to “Open Letter to GATA”

  1. If centra banks don’t care about the price of gold, why did Alan Greenspan and Eddie George say the contrary?

    “central banks stand ready to lease gold in increasing quantities should the price rise” Alan Greenspan 1998

    “We looked into the abyss if the gold price rose further. A further rise would have taken down one or several trading houses, which might have taken down all the rest in their wake. Therefore at any price, at any cost, the central banks had to quell the gold price, manage it. It was very difficult to get the gold price under control but we have now succeeded. The US Fed was very active in getting the gold price down. So was the U.K.” – Eddie George, then Governor of the Bank of England, 1999

    1. Fascinating debate, and that’s a question that I have also. I think part of the answer may be that the FED and other CB’s are banking cartels concerned mainly with protecting the banking system, and don’t care nearly as much about the problems of governments, their debts, and their fiat currencies. They’re not worried at all that people might abandon fiat currencies and flock to gold. They care about the current fiat price of gold only insofar as a price move would adversely affect the stability of the “trading houses” (as Greenspan put it) that are part of the cartel. So I think GATA is right that manipulation occurs, but wrong in implying that the manipulation is ongoing, always down, and intended primarily to protect the dollar. I think it’s short-term, ad-hoc meddling as needed to assist banks when they get caught on the wrong side of a trade. It’s heads, the banks win, tails, the CB’s bail out the banks with a little meddling in the gold market. But the gold available to them to do this does seem to be gradually slipping away. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out.

  2. I usually side with Keith on the whole manipulation thing although there was some stuff published by bullionstar a while back showing correspondence between central bankers during the early 80s on managing the gold price. Some of it was quite comical actually with mention of Italy having a fit every time it was asked to lease out even 1 ounce of gold and how certain countries like Japan and Sweden should be exempt from having to give a percentage up of their gold for leasing operations since they did not have much to begin with. Interesting stuff how accurate though I couldn’t say.

    1. Being a long time follower of both Monetary Metals and GATA I can only say read this
      Says ‘expose, oppose, and litigate against collusion to control the price and supply of gold and related financial instruments’. They keep a handy record of facts but sorry not predictions!

  3. I have been in the precious metals sector, primarily as a savings medium, since 1969 (though I did have a youthful folly phase of speculating in the futures markets for some years, with the intent of taking delivery, rather than obtaining dollars). So, I have been around for some decades observing the ins and outs of exchanges, markets, bullion dealers (worked for a couple during this time), and government. All the players in this “game” are out to make money (as Keith indicated this “money” is dollars).

    First off, both the folks at GATA and Keith have approached this “fiat money” analysis from a moral perspective. Keith, more so than GATA seems to me to “blame” the departure from the gold standard, on the American people; who have sold their birthright for a mess of porridge, by falling for the lure of “something for nothing” of the fiat money system being offered by the bankers (sanctioned by said government). GATA does blame government corruption for failing to support an honest money system; thereby indirectly sitting said blame on the people who vote.

    (I will admit that the fiat money system is most convenient, if I need money for some reason or other, to borrow the fiat (created out of this air) and repay it with decreasing interest rates. If I had to borrow gold or silver my repayment efforts would have cost me far more over the past fifty years.)

    GATA is attempting to reason with people to leave the fiat money “Casino” before the 476 A.D. events Keith mentioned. GATA asks for donations to their cause of alerting the masses, that trading precious metals (in the hopes of acquiring more dollars) is futile (as the “game is rigged”); while Keith (issuing the same warning on precious metals trading as GATA) is providing a gold return on gold alternative as his approach. I see value in both; however I don’t see either method really preventing said 476 A.D. consequences.

    I do appreciate the government’s efforts at market manipulation (all varities thereof) for this has allowed me to gather the necessary knowledge, materials, as well as accumulating precious metals; so in a way I am taking advantage of all the
    “dumb as a bag of hammers” folks out there in our “great nation”, who haven’t comprehended the economic, financial, monetary, and political reality. In my defense, I have spent great efforts to “preach” the “gospel of precious metals” over the past decades, but to date I feel that I have only really reached a handfull, out of the thousands of people I have attempted to enlighten.

    I especially appreciate Chris Powel and Keith Weiner for taking the time and effort to exchange (clarify) their thoughts and concepts. They have both kept the emphasis on the topic and not indulged in “mud slinging” (as is now so common in the current public discourse).

  4. Keith,
    I write as a long term follower who stands in awe of the power of your original thinking and analysis, indeed you can count me as an ardent disciple of your teachings – I try not to miss a single word of what you have to say.

    With gold being the only contender for the dollar’s crown, even after 50 years of anti gold propaganda, it seems to me that only by orchestrating sharp drops in the gold price can the central banks hope to prevent it becoming regarded as a safe haven.

    Best regards and more power to your elbow

  5. With respect to Keith’s recent ‘argument’ with GATA, I may be mistaken but the salient fact here is that the ‘price’ of gold never changes. Gold is and always has been worth its weight. The fact that one can even buy gold is nothing more than a construct used to reinforce the common perception of mismanaged currency as money to ensure that the issuers of said currency can continue to mismanage it, enabling them to use worthless paper to acquire real wealth. Keith, you probably don’t care but I sincerely hope that you are not engaging in this ‘dispute’ with GATA just for kicks. I’ve spent a bit of time attempting to point out that you hold a similar position to Chris but you are merely looking at the issue from a different perspective, given that the notion of buying money is a bit preposterous on its face.

  6. Even the Russian’s know that LBMA un-allocated gold accounts and Comex futures markets don’t drive demand for physical gold.
    Also if you read, on page 37 Un allocated accounts, they tell you clearly that ‘in excess of 90% of all pm traded on the inter bank/wholesale/OTC market clear over Loco London accounts, reflecting debit or credit exposure to the institution where the account is held, which is analogous to a current account held with a bank’. in other words they trade credit and debit obligations and not the metal it self. There is no denying that Paper gold is created into existence, just as ‘banks create 97% of the money supply out of thin air’ .

  7. “I think it’s short-term, ad-hoc meddling” correct
    But not by central banks
    Rather by market makers if there is some arb possibility that presents itself, especially at illiquid times
    They do not give a damn about direction, only profit

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