The Arizona House of Representatives has convened an Ad Hoc Committee on Gold Bonds. The purpose is to explore if and how the state could sell a gold bond.
This is an exciting development, as the issuance of a gold bond would be a major step towards a working gold standard.
Yours truly is a member of the committee. At the first meeting, I gave a proposal for how a gold bond could work to the benefit of the state and the people.
Here is video of the committee meeting. My presentation begins around 18:18.
Congratulations, Keith!
Congratulations, keep up the good work!!
Well done Keith on being invited to join the committee – clearly your fame is spreading – and double congratulations on the quality of your evidence. In politics it is difficult to say which way things will go but the clarity of your witness gives me great hope that the gold bond will become a reality.
Great development! Congrats!
Outstanding, Keith. All of your hard work is paying off. Congratulations!
Absolutely fascinating to watch. There seem to be some knowledgeable members in the committee – why shouldn´t it be possible to reach the goal?
Thank you everyone for your encouraging words! :)