Sandy Relief passes the House today
The total is now over $50B. That’s over $150 for every man, woman, and child in the country. Most children don’t work. Many people are retired. There are people in jail, on the dole, and who work for the government including military (whose cannot by definition help pay for any government expenses).
I estimate around 100M people in the productive sector of the economy. For Sandy alone, $500 was spent on behalf of each of them, to provide a generous handout to the politcally-connected in New Jersey.
Of course the money doesn’t come from the taxpayers, who are already unable to cover 40% of the government’s largesse. The money comes from the bond buyers. They give their money to the government to be consumed and get a piece of paper in return that has been rising in price since 1981.
In your compassion for the flooded people in New Jersey, are you a Fiscal Denier?